Google Panda for SEO

Saturday, June 23, 2012 Labels:

Keep in Mind Google Panda for SEO

SEO has changed quite a lot in a very short span of time. A lot of this can be contributed to the Google Panda update that was released recently. In short, SEO Toronto should take care of the user experience and the design of the web site. Along with this the quality of the content and the usage metrics also need to be taken care of. After the Panda update, it is not only content that is important but high quality content. Now a lot of tips have been given by Google itself to help you with the Panda update but most of them focus on the future. Here are some tips that you should follow to change the content that you have already created, and could be hurt by Panda.

Internal duplicates

This is the most basic form of duplication. Internal true duplicates are formed when you create multiple URLs for the same content. For instance, you can have a one page for 'Buying best shoes'. Then you end up creating another page for the same content but with a different link. Google will come across this and penalize you because it would think that you are tying to fool the algorithm. The penalty imposed by Google will increase with the number of duplicate URLs. Taking care of this problem is quite simple as all you have to do is remove the duplicate content.

Near duplicates

A lot of sites that are trying to rank for their services in city or for a particular them will face the problem of internal near duplicates. For instance, a company offering insurance inFloridawill change its content slightly to fit in the keywords and then use it for offering insurance inSeattle. You might have come across results in Google after looking for a keyword that had only one or two mention of the phrase you searched for but were not related in any other way.

With the Panda update Google will realize when you change a few words and will classify it as low-quality content. Now, solving this problem is not as simple as the previous one. You need to rewrite all the content so that it is fresh. This might be time consuming but then it will prevent you from getting penalized.

Search pages in search results

This is quite common with large e-commerce sites. Most of these sites have an inbuilt search function for the ease of the user. Now these sites sometimes store these result pages. So when someone searches on Google they get a link to the search page from the site. Google does not like this because its main aim is to deliver pages to the user that has quality content. That is why these pages are considered spammy and the site is penalized. This problem will not bother smaller sites but if you are a large site then you must ensure that these pages are blocked from being crawled.


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